abundance is your birth right

a graphic with two columns, one for lack mindset and one for abundance mindset. the lack mindset column has words like fear, self-doubt and low self worth, while the abundance mindset includes gratitude, empowerment and trust in the universe

Abundance is a way of being, which means you live a life focused on the plethora of bounty that is around you at all times, rather than what is missing.

When I first began manifesting, I focused so much on the not having that I missed the pain pillar of magick: gratitude.

Abundance mindset believes that there is enough for everyone versus competing for minimal resources and this is the mindset that popular media (like news) wants us to feel on a somatic, felt-sense level.

In my online Lion’s Gate Manifestation Course, I teach students how their early childhood shapes their relationship to abundance.

What did your caretakers make money mean and how did they use money?

what did you believe about the people in your life who had money?

what did you believe about your family’s ability to give and receive money?

Many of us have shadows around abundance that stem from early childhood, when our root chakra was first developing.

When it comes time to manifest prosperity, we may carry unconscious beliefs about the interchange of money into the picture, or subconsciously focus on the ‘not having’ of it, which only perpetuates a lack mindset more.

In my work with clients around money and abundance we usually do hypnotherapy to not only repattern old, outdated beliefs about the meaning behind money, but also our ability to give and receive in general. Then, we implement gratitude practices and practices that prepare to be in the receiving mode.

One of the foundational teachings of Abraham-Hicks, a prominent inspirational speaker on the topic of manifestation, law of attraction and abundance mindset, is learning how to get into the receiving mode.

ways to get into the receiving mode:

  • Create time to meditate. Meditation is one of the best ways to raise your vibration and come into energetic alignment with what you want. If you’re feeling unworthy, depressed, resentful or drained, it is hard to become a magnet for what you want, because you’re like two opposite ends of a magnet, pushing abundance away. When you meditate, you raise your vibration through feeling any repressed Emotions and organizing the clutter of your mind, making it easier for abundance – which is a high vibrational state – to find you. Consider this energetic and mental maintenance.

  • Start a Rampage of Appreciation. Abraham describes a rampage as one subtle thought that moves into the next, gaining momentum as you go. When you’re feeling low energy or in lack, choose one thought that is slightly closer to abundance than where you are currently at. Keep doing this, shifting your focus slowly, until you gather momentum. It’s a practice of cultivating a rampage of gratitude that tells the Universe, I am already abundant. When you acknowledge and celebrate what you already have, you are in the receiving mode.

  • Believe that everything is working out for you. This is a powerful belief to put in place. Over time it will strengthen your trust muscle with the Universe and open you up to believe that you are worthy of abundance. We live in a mirror Universe that reflects back to you what you authentically believe, and so if you believe everything is working out for you, it does.

Note: I have met many clients who learn about the law of attraction who develop a fear of “low vibrational feelings,” afraid that they won’t ever be able to manifest what they want.

Manifestation is a complex energetic topic and requires inner alchemy practices to transmute your relationship to your Emotions, not getting rid of entire Emotions.

The alchemy of abundance does not include bypassing how you feel in order to feel “high vibrational.”

do you want to dive deep into the subconscious energetics of abundance and transmute your relationship with wealth and prosperity?

check out these empowering programs we have that are centered around abundance mindset!

if you are looking for an embodied way to celebrate the opening of lion's gate, learn how to manifest quicker, remove blocks around money and abundance and tap into higher self worth, check out this self-led course to prep you for lion’s gate on 8/8

meet carleena

carleena lara-bregatta is a spiritual coach, embodiment mentor, author and teacher. she teaches how to return to the ancient art of cyclical living, teaching tools to reclaim vital energy, find freedom and tap into our divine birthright to create. she weaves together modern neuroscience with ancient wisdom for a holistic approach to shadow work, trauma healing, holistic wellness and spiritual expansion.

carleena is the host of the akashic alchemist: a spiritual podcast, and is releasing her first book aptly titled the akashic alchemist: a cyclical guide to remembering your soul’s ancient wisdom coming in june 2023.

she is a certified usui reiki master, 800 hour e-ryt, certified hypnotherapist & past life regression therapist and holds a b.a. of psychology and m.a. of international non-governmental organizations. she routinely holds yoga teacher trainings, reiki trainings, and retreats across the united states and internationally.


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