starseeds & the quest for belonging

(if you’re more of an auditory learner rather than a reader, check out my new podcast episode on this topic. for the full blog post, guided meditation & more - keep on scrolling!)

image credit: rebecca campbell / danielle nicole

growing up i struggled with belonging on a multifaceted level.

being biracial in the united states meant that i was always explaining who I was, Having to defend my dual identity as an afro-Caribbean woman to anyone who denied me my culture and heritage by judging my outward appearance from their lens of looking.

I found myself shapeshifting, molding my identity to the groups I was a part of, always feeling that impending sense of ‘not-enough-ness’ that I think we all of struggle with in our own unique way.

As I grappled with my identity, I found myself so easily swayed by others and their judgements, trying to mold who I was into a box so tiny I couldn’t even take a deep breath.

I went to kindergarten in camden, new jersey where I was surrounded by people who looked like me and many others who didn’t. we were diverse. we were young. we embraced each other and I remember that no one was telling each other who we were; as I got older and moved to the East side of Cherry Hill, my life of defending who I was began.

This struggle in Middle school for identity sparked my quest for belonging in my physical body. after a “big” move from one side of town to the other, I was the new kid at school and felt as if I had no home. the diversity of what I left behind etched an aching in my heart.

it brought me back to an earlier memory. one where I was playing in my backyard. a sweet young child who knew I was loved yet still felt a longing for some place other than where I was. I had always struggled with contentment, like this current incarnation was never enough for me.

I’d play in the ivy in my backyard for hours, imagining worlds of faeries and tiny mushroom people. I’d come in for dinner, covered in rashes and bug bites, my mother begging me to stop playing in there because of my terrible allergies and continual poison ivy that always seemed to find me.

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Even back then - before the days of belonging with my race - a deeper, more ancient part of me longed for another world that I couldn’t see yet with my eyes.

I’d day dream about the faeries….I’d imagine what life is like on the planet Saturn…I’d lay in the hammock in our backyard, gazing up at the stars, speaking without words to other beings out there - questioning if they were wondering who was looking back.

I’d always been fascinated by space, enamored by the vastness of it all. as an adult I studied astronomy, physics and astrology hunting to alleviate this hunger with answers, like I had to know about other worlds.

I think in many ways I have always been on a quest for the answers to life’s hidden mysteries. how many universes are out there, really?! How many souls are incarnated in places other than here?

I feel that my quest for belonging transcends my egoic identity here on earth, including its transcendence over my race, ethnicity, gender and other labels we give each other here.

It is a primordial longing of searching for who I am on a soul level.

I was first introduced to the term starseed a few years ago and I’m unsure from where i first heard it. the history of the word starseed was coined In the 1970s by timothy leary and it was his name for microscopic life that was found on an asteroid that landed on earth.

Today, the term starseed in the spiritual realm refers to a soul who has incarnated in places other than earth.

When I finally heard this definition and began studying this concept more - with a deep bow to one of my teachers, rebecca campbell - I felt a huge sigh of relief.

could it be that this quest for belonging is actually a soul memory? one of other worlds where I felt more at home?

many starseeds have trouble adapting to earthly life, partly because of the pain they feel with the great maya - or illusion - of being separate from Source, the universe, goddess, god - whatever your word choice for a higher power.

if any of this resonates with you, you may be a starseed!

starseeds have a few traits that could provide you with a sigh of relief, too.

so what’s in a starseed?

  • you feel out of place on this planet & struggle with belonging

  • you possess strong intuitive powers

  • you are highly empathic, able to understand others & their emotions but may often feel misunderstood

  • feelings of isolation & loneliness, or even periods of depression in your lifetime

  • a kind, loving & generous person

  • a longing for home yet you don’t know where that is

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WHat do you think? does any of this resonate for you?

If so, there are steps you can take to ground yourself & heal this karmic knot of remembering another place as home because part of this deep remembering comes with ancient powers.

the nature of the soul is one of free will and before you decided to incarnate here you met with your spirit circle - a collection of divine beings of the spirit world who are here to help you in your quest for growth & evolution as a soul.

One of the most empowering steps of being a starseed is first acknowledging that your soul chose to be here now, in the body you incarnated in, with your exact birth time & location and within the family you have chosen, ushered in with the divine unconditional love from Spirit and your spirit circle.

this level of free will means your soul has decided your earthly experience is important for your growth and there is nothing more awakening than reclaiming your personal power of choice & autonomy.

my intention is that this post allows us starseeds to feel less alone. to recognize that we are all beautiful soul beings, having a human experience for the collective evolution of Us. My intention is that you have a starting point to understanding how much power you yield as a divine being that has seen other planetary systems, perhaps even more advanced than here.

the possibilities of life and what we’re capable of are being revealed more and more each day & I can’t wait for your journey to unfold as you’ve decided it to be so, gaining more & more personal power each day.

Of course, these mysteries of who we are at soul level aren’t able to be proven by white, cis-gendered male science but they are accessible through hypnosis, past life regression, plant medicine & trance mediations - all transformative therapeutic modalities I have explored in my spiritual journey. If you’re interested in exploring who you are on a soul level, enjoy the below resources to support your healing and ascension on a soul level.

may you shine bright like the stars you came from.

with love,

a fellow starseed ✨


with me

enjoy this specially curated starseed mediation, designed to help anchor you into your body and reclaim your personal power as a soul here in earth school

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LISTEN to the podcast

listen to episode 3 of my podcast, ancestral awakenings on the topic of what is a starseed - out now on your favorite podcast apps!


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