reiki healing therapy

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what is reiki?

reiki is the channeling of universal life force energy (also known as ki, prana, chi, prana) to stimulate the body’s natural ability to heal.

reiki works on the physical, energetic, emotional, mental/psychological, psychic, astral and aural bodies for a total reset and may leave you feeling lighter, more refreshed and rejuvenated. People use reiki healing therapy to process lots of scenarios like physical injuries, unplanned circumstances, emotional distress, trauma, gaining clarity, opening up intuition or psychic abilities and much, much more! whatever positive intention your heart can dream of, reiki can open up the portals of prayer to evoke that specific energy to find you. in a reiki session, you are your own healer, and i am simply a guide.

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what a typical session is like

۞ you are invited to set a positive intention

۞ done in a safe and comfortable environment

۞ experienced on a massage bed with props and comfort

۞ soft lighting and music

۞ optional essential oil aromatherapy

۞ guided meditation to induce a light trance

۞ integration discussion afterwards

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possible outcomes of a reiki therapy healing session

۞ gain clarity during a time of confusion

۞ receive messages from your highest self, spirit guides or ancestors

۞ connect to the divinity within you

۞ support the body as it heals from physical injury

۞ support the soul as it heals from emotional trauma

۞ navigate tough times through stress relief

۞ open up & balance your energetic centers (chakras)

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when receiving reiki, the client is the one directing energy using their natural wisdom. I am Using my hands as a portal to funnel healing energy from Spirit (God, The Divine, the universe, allah, or your word for a Higher power), Your Spirit Guides, Angles & Ancestors who have your highest & best good in mind will stimulate your ability to raise your energetic vibration & move stuck energy around.

Reiki can balance your energy, help you manifest a vision or dream, facilitate connection with ancestors, receive psychic guidance & wisdom and heal the all layers of the body (physical, energetic, emotional, mental/psychological, astral & aural).

Reiki healing has the power to reduce anxiety, ease aches & pains, promote healing on a cellular level, reduce the effects of aging, promote cognitive function, aid in sleep and digestion, promote fertility & enhance sexual energy, clear blockages in the chakras, promote connection with divinity & clear unwanted energies from your field.

Just like cars need maintenance, so does every layer of the self! Reiki can help recalibrate the layers of the body for rejuvenation & positive energy effects.

Book a session with me


in person sessions are done in audubon, nj, usa. after booking guests will receive an email confirmation with my home address.

for guests that live far away, i offer most of my sessions via zoom as well.


want to know more about reiki healing therapy?

send me a message using the form and i will be in touch within the next 24 to 48 hours.
